St Mary's Catholic Primary School


David McCabe

Russell Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1QL

Catholic Life


As a Catholic school, Christ remains at the heart of school life and all pupils are educated in the beliefs and devotional practices of the Catholic Church. As stated in the preface to the Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools, all pupils at St Mary's are invited to encounter Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as the living person at the heart of their study in a way that respects their individual religious identity. At St Mary's, we strive also to be of service to society. Religious education plays its part in this endeavour by enabling all pupils ‘to be confident and secure in their religious faith and knowledgeable and respectful of other religions,’ and so play ‘a crucial role in building a cohesive society’.


The RE curriculum is a very special part of our curriculum with 10% of teaching time dedicated to learning about our faith. Please see the RE curriculum tab for more information on what is taught in each year group. 


Participation in daily collective acts of worship are a significant part of our understanding of our faith. All children participate in prayers every morning and afternoon session, within RE lessons and at the end of each day. Every class in Key Stage 2 prepares and leads Mass throughout the year, with families warmly welcomed.


As a school which prides itself on strong community links, St Mary's supports local and national charities such as Cafod. 

